Monday, October 19, 2015

【靜思妙蓮華】20150915 - 乘三乘而得樂 - 第653集 Journeying in the Three Vehicles Brings Joy



































就是,這就是要我們能夠瞭解,佛陀開始,從「四諦法」開始,開始說法,一直到讓人人,能夠接受一切空,「生老病死」,到頭來也是空;一切物質是會集成名,從「沒有」的東西 ,是這樣集過來變成「有」。












Explanations by Master Cheng-Yan
Subject: Journeying in the Three Vehicles Brings Joy (乘三乘而得樂)
Date:September.15. 2015

“Although sentient beings listen to the teachings of the Great Dharma, they are unwilling to believe and accept it and thus cannot follow the teachings. Filled with worldly knowledge and cleverness and attached to childish enjoyments, they have no great aspirations and remain stuck in the Three Realms.”

Do you understand this? Though people have been listening to the Dharma, they still cannot mindfully accept it. They do not take the Dharma to heart, let alone follow it in their daily living. “They are unwilling to believe and accept it and thus they cannot follow its teachings.” Though they engage in spiritual practice, they do not believe and accept the Buddha-Dharma, nor do they want to listen to [more] teachings. Once they refuse to listen to [more] Dharma, how can they possibly be taught?
“Full of worldly knowledge and cleverness,” they are “attached to childish enjoyments.” People like this rely only on themselves. “Listening [to teachings] won’t make a difference. I won’t know more than I already do.” With worldly knowledge and cleverness, people who are more arrogant do not even want to listen to or accept it. They are like immature children.
“Childish” means that they are like immature children who just want to play and stay in the Three Realms to do whatever they like. Perhaps in their daily living, they are constantly fighting over trivial matters. People like this are very childish. They only care about themselves. Therefore, “They have no great aspirations and remain stuck in the Three Realms.”
When they engage in spiritual practice they do not want to form great aspirations or make great vows or earnestly accept the Buddha-Dharma and go among people to give to others. They only think about themselves, so they remain trapped in the Three Realms, unable to escape.
Yesterday, we spoke of the Fivefold Dharmakaya, precepts, Samadhi, wisdom, liberation and liberated understanding and views. Having precepts, Samadhi and wisdom is still not enough. This kind of liberated understanding and views can be achieved only when our wisdom-life has come into contact with the Buddha-Dharma and become one with the universe. Then we will have broad minds and pure thoughts, minds that can encompass the universe, and work for the good of the world instead of only for our own personal matters.
We must be like the Buddha, who engaged in spiritual practice, attained enlightenment, then transformed others. After [teaching for] more than ten years, He began to think about the Sakya clan, about how His father, His aunt and His relatives also needed to be transformed. The Buddha then spoke to the 1250 people in His Sangha and said, “Please carefully mind your appearance and act according to the Dharma. Please demonstrate the dignity and refinement that you have developed through your practice as you follow me into the kingdom of Kapilavastu.”
The Buddha said this because He understood that the people of the Sakya clan of the kingdom of Kapilavastu believed that they came from the most noble clan, and thus they were very arrogant.
To deal with these very proud people, the bhiksus must be very dignified and behave properly to be able to overcome the pride and arrogance of this clan. As soon as they entered Kapilavastu, people begun to spread the news. Everyone was very happy. This news was also heard in the palace. The king then asked his people to quickly sweep and clean the streets and decorate them with lamps and ribbons, creating a jubilant atmosphere. In this way, he respectfully welcomed the Buddha into the palace.
When the Buddha expounded the Dharma for King Suddhodhana, everyone inside the palace came to listen.
After King Suddhodhana heard the teachings, he felt very happy and wanted to help the Buddha-Dharma thrive. When he saw that these [1250] bhiksus were so magnificent, so orderly and have a very dignified demeanor, he hoped for more people to join the Sangha. The King told the nobles of the Sakya clan and the members of the royal family that, by decree, if a family had two or more sons, one of them could become a monastic. Among the nobility alone, more than 500 people did.
After everyone had their heads shaved, they put on the monastic robes. Everyone looked very dignified. However, before asking the Buddha for teachings, they had to first prostrate to the Sangha. Only after prostrating to each and every bhiksu could they come before the Buddha to receive teachings.
Among this group of 500 new bhiksus, one of them was the most respected and noble. He was of the royal family and was calles King Bhadratta. He had the highest status, since he was of [King Suddhodhana's ] generation.
He began prostrating to everyone in the Sangha but as he stood in front of Upali, he hesitated for a long time, King Bhadratta said, " I am a highly respected nobleman and a member of the Sakya clan. How can I be exected to prostrate to someone from the lowest caste, especially one who used to be my slave?
" The Buddha said to him, " All lives are inherently equal. People and all living beings are equal. [Upail] is indeed part of the lowest caste. However, he is still a human being. Members of the Sakya clan, who are of the Kastriya caste, are also humans. As humans we all go through birth, aging, illness and death. As human, we all experience the suffering of not getting what we want and that of meeting those we hate. Everyone faces the suffering of birth, aging, illness and death. In experiencing this suffering, everyone in the world is equal. Why do we have to categorize people as noble or lowly?
Since you want to become a monastic, you must let go of your discriminating mind as well as your pride and arrogance." Hearing this, King Bhadrahatta understood, so he reverently prostrated to Upali.
After he had prostrated to Upali and stood up, his mind was peaceful and free. Then he, along with the rest of the 500 nobles, prostrates to the Buddha and began to receive the Buddha's teachings.
One day, they arrived at a graveyard. In an open field. There, Bhadradatta walked and sat in meditation contemplating the Buddha's teachings.
Suddenly, he said, " In the past, when I was in the palace, I had many warriors by my side, proteching me. Living in the palace, I had many people who served me, but I always felt uneasy. I felt fearful, so I needed people to protected me.
However, now, I am travelling with the Buddha. In order to feed myself, I need to being for alms from door to door. I live under trees and in open fields. How can this kind of life make me so happy? How can I feel so peaceful and free every day? This is trully incredible! With this kind of life, I actually have no afflictions at all." Ananda had seen and heard him say this so he shared this with the Buddha.
The Buddha praised King Bhadratta. The nobleman, who had previously felt himself to be superior, had now managed to subdue his arrogance. From that moment on, he attained the fruit of Arhatship, transcended the Three Realms and achieved the Fivefold Dharmakaya, precepts, Samadhi, wisdom, liberation and liberated understanding and views. He was so happy!
This is what the Buddha wanted to teach us. We also hope that in the same way all of us can accept the Buddha-Dharma and then, while living in this world, we can always feel free and peaceful.

The previous sutra passage states, " He told the children, I have a variety of precious playthings, excellent carts of wondrous treasures. There are sheep-carts, deer-carts and great ox-carts. "

We discussed this yesterday. Indeed! After the elder saw that the children had left the house, he wanted to make them even happier and encouraged them to choose the bigger cart. This helps us to understand that though we are listening to the Buddha-Dharma, is it enough to just listen to and know the Dharma? We need to work hard to eliminate our afflictions.
Look at how eliminating his afflictions brought King Bhadradatta a sense of joy, happiness and freedom because of the wealth of teachings that were in his mind.

The following sutra passage state, “[The carts] are now outside the door. You should come outside, and I will create these carts for you, according to what you like, for you to play with”.

Once everyone was outside, [the Buddha said], “All of you are now outside. For all of you, I have actually create these carts. There are different kinds of carts, so I told you all to come out quickly and choose the one that makes you most happy, the one you want. You can pick the one you like, which means, “Follow your heart in making your choice so you can play”.
Once we accept the Dharma, we can freely make use of it. This refers to how the Buddha first taught the Four Noble Truths with the Three Turnings of the Dharma-wheel”.

“[The carts] are now outside the door. You should come outside: When the Buddha first taught the Four Noble Truths with the Three Turnings of the Dharma-wheel, He taught us to realize them for ourselves. “[The carts] are now outside the door” means that all can escape the house of the Three Realms to reach a safe and stable refuge. He earnestly called to them, “You should come outside”. This was the turning of persuasion.”

Yesterday, we talked about the Three Turnings of suffering, causation, cessation and the Path. “He taught us to realize them for ourselves”. We should all know these. Not only must we recognize suffering, we must deeply comprehend it. There are so many afflictions in the world. There are so many afflictions in the world. We should eradicate them. To eradicate them, not only must we practice the Path, we must attain cessation. This is how the Buddha “created these carts and vehicles”.
A cart can not carry us, but can also transport others. [The Dharma] is not meant only to be heard; it can be used to eliminate afflictions. It guides people to attain realizations, to help them recognize and experience suffering, causation, cessation and the Path.

“And I will create these carts for you: He further gave the turnings of persuasion and confirmation. The Buddha could create these carts and vehicles because He drew on what He had realized. That these carts were created means that the three carts fundamentally have no true essence. Still, the wondrous Dharma exists forever.”

Take, for example, how witnessing suffering helps us recognize our blessings. Otherwise, we would not recognize how blessed we are. Upon witnessing suffering, many people realize that “I’m already very blessed. What more can I ask for? When I see that other people’s lives are filled with great suffering and that they are still able to bear it, how can there be anything I can’t endure?”
So, we must not create more negative affinities. We must eliminate karmic obstacles in order to attain wisdom and clear understanding. Only by eliminating our afflictions can we eradicate our karmic obstacles. Then, we can put an end to the “causation” that we have accumulated.
People say, “Eliminate karma whenever conditions manifest”. We must accept our karmic conditions and not create more negative karma. Then these adverse conditions will naturally disappear. So, with good conditions, we must form more good affinities. We must form good affinities and plant good seeds. This is what we must start doing. When He said, “I will create these carts for you”, He meant the carts He created were for everyone, so we must wholeheartedly accept them.
Actually, “That these carts were created means that the three carts fundamentally have no true essence”. How could these carts actually have a true essence? It says there are sheep-carts; can a sheep actually pull a cart? As for the deer-cart, are deer going to pull something like a rickshaw? What kind of cart would that be? Deer are not strong; their legs are so slender. How can deer actually pull a cart?
However, when it comes to the ox-cart, an ox is able to pull a cart. An ox is physically strong, so he has this ability. This is all to help us understand. The Buddha began teaching the Dharma by teaching the Four Noble Truths. He started teaching and continued until everyone could understand that everything is inherently empty.
After undergoing birth, aging, illness and death, all that is left is emptiness. All material things arise from a convergence of [causes and conditions] and then are given names. something “non-existent” can become “existent” when causes and conditions converge. Think about this; to make a piece of clothing, so much manual labor is required. How many tools does all this labor require? Only by using these tools can we finish making a piece of clothing.
Therefore, is there anything in the world that does not arise from the convergence [of causes and conditions]?
In this world, everything is empty in nature and arises through convergence. Once the elements that have converged disperse, Once the elements that have converged disperse there will be nothing there, there will not be anything left for us to use. This is emptiness. But as long as we are alive, we can find a way to be useful How wondrous! This is wondrous existence.
So many factors have to come together for us to eat our meals. We eat this dish and that one, and they go into our stomachs. Our body has to be nourished by taking a complicated combination of nutrients into our body. We are not thinking of this, we think only of the tastes that we crave.
I asked [a doctor], “As a doctor, how can you have hypertension?” “I can’t help it, I really crave certain kinds of foods.” The doctor may not be able to control himse.lf He does not take in the teachings. Medical. science has already explained things. People clearly know [the consequences], but still smoke, consume alcohol and do many things that they should not do. People do not know to live in balance.
It is the same in our spiritual practice. We are like those doctors. We are practicing the Buddha’s teachings, so why haven’t we attained liberation? Why do we have so many afflictions?Why are our habitual tendencies still so severe?
We are just like doctors who have the knowledge but do not apply it to their own lives. So, what do we do? We know the Dharma and can expound many teachings, but we have not changed the way we ourselves act.
Though we have the change to engage in spiritual practice, we often waste time on frivolous discussions. This is a pity “The three carts fundamentally have no true essence, everything is empty in nature.” If we do not understand this principle, we will constantly form attachments.
As we mentioned previously, the universe fundamentally has no true essence. The universe encompasses so many phenomena but does not have a true essence of its own. Thus essence is a manmade concept. “Still, the wondrous Dharma exists forever” The Dharma will exist forever. Everything we create is conditioned phenomena and will be destroyed at some point. What humans create will eventually be destroyed, but its underlying principles will exist forever. An object can be destroyed, but its principles will still exist. If we bring the same elements together again, we can produce the same thing.
Therefore, we say that wondrous Dharma exists forever. “[They are made] according to what you like, for you to play with.
If we can thoroughly understand these principles, we can freely navigate through all Dharma.” We will feel peaceful and at ease with all these principles
We will not feel there is any kind of suffering.

As it states in the prose section, “The Dharma of the Three Vehicles is praised by all the noble beings.” “These vehicles allow us to be free, with no ties” “By journeying in these Three Vehicles, you will attain what you enjoy.”

This sutra passage is found in the long-form section. The Dharma of the Three Vehicles is praised by all the noble beings. All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas praise this Dharma of the Three Vehicles. First, we must listen to it. Then, we must eliminate our afflictions. After that , we must form great aspirations and make great vows to walk the Bodhisattva-path. All this Dharma can help us attain freedom and peace of mind.

This passage is also subtly motivating us. “You only listen [to the teachings] but do not try to eliminate your afflictions.” “You only want to eliminate your afflictions but do not worry about the rest of the world.”
This is how the Buddha constantly motivates us People who cannot bear the long road and the heavy load only care about getting the rest they need. They do not think about how much still needs to be done. The road is long and the load is heavy, but they just want to have fun.

After learning a little bit of Dharma, if all we do with it is use it to engage in frivolous discussions, that is not the right thing to do. When it comes to learning the Dharma, we must take it to heart and apply it in our daily living. We must always be mindful.

(Source: Da Ai TV – Wisdom at Dawn program – Explanation by Master Chen-Yen)

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